Let’s start a dialogue
Heaven on Earth is a place or state regarded as the abode of self, living in equanimity, vigor, and excelling during life’s journey depicted on earth. To be vibrational aligned, allowing, receiving, and attracting without or very little resistance, evolving into imposing action anchoring one’s beliefs, attitudes, and perception in mental and physical well-being, financial abundance, and healthy relationships.
We plant and preserve trees, namely Baobab. By assisting the United Nations in their 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Our objective is to plant more than one billion trees.
The Institute is a non-profit company modelled around the best development institutions in the world, psychologically to drive the potential of individuals. Intervening through training and innovative methodologies in becoming successful. Our work is carried out on behalf of organisations, governments and corporations, NGOs, CSI and social development.
Swahaa Limited is a newly registered, over-the-counter trading (OTC) public company, is a philanthropic set of businesses to make a positive difference.
The Working on Entrepreneurs Program is an intervention, via psychology innovation, transforming individuals with entrepreneurial intentions into entrepreneurs by selecting them from national, rural, and urban areas throughout Africa. They are supported by ongoing 24/7 business-success coaching. Based on our successful piloting, this has given life to the Program.
Our Clients' Reviews
Heaven on Earth.
A methodology of attainment

Don’t Quit attitude.
An dynamic enforcer of positive synergy
The Book: Succeed With Nothing.
Over 6,000 copies sold worldwide
“Succeed with Nothing” aims to help those individuals and business owners or potential business owners who want to know how to achieve success with the little they have. I encourage readers to bear in mind that “Succeed with Nothing” is at best part of the solution, it is not the entire solution.
“Succeed with Nothing” is a tool you can reference as and when required to help you achieve your goals for personal and business success. It is not a get rich quick scheme or an easy way out, it is mentorship that will turn your world upside-down, a way of doing and applying knowledge that will change your life, and reading it once from cover to cover will not be the best way to get the most from it.

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